Individual Membership Application

Become a member and join the non-profit association IBUS Group


Annual fee: EUR 50.-
3-year Membership fee: EUR 120.- (save up to 20%)


IBUS members qualify for

  • IBUS Module 2 participation, after completion of IBUS Module 1
  • Monthly webinars
  • Application for IBUS Research grant
  • Future online course material and e-learning
  • Members can be nominated for the Operational Board
  • Voting at the General Assembly


You can find further information on the Association Statutes at the bottom of the page.


To become an IBUS member please follow these steps

  • Complete the application form below
  • Proceed with the payment using the payment area located below the application form
  • In case you wish to pay via bank transfer or need an invoice, please contact the IBUS Office

Payment area

Please provide the following information:

Reference: e.g. IBUS membership <your full name>
Amount in Euro



§ 1 Name, Registered Office, Non-Profit Structure

The name of the Association is International Bowel Ultrasound Group (IBUS) with the addition of e.V. following the registration in the Register of Associations of the district court of Münster.
The registered office of the Association is in Münster.

The Association shall be entered in the Register of Associations of the district court of Münster.

The association operates as a non-profit structure. It does not pursue purposes primarily serving its own economic interests.

The financial means of the association shall only be used for statutory purposes. The members receive no donations from the financial means of the association.

No person may be favored by expenses that are external to the purposes of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.

 2 Purpose

The purpose of the Association is the research, training, and cooperation in the field of bowel diseases and intestinal ultrasound with the aim to improve patient care. As a part of this task, the Association will promote all efforts which may improve treatment or management contributing to improved disease control or cure.

Following this, the association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes.

The purpose of the Association is implemented through:

  • Promotion, sponsoring and control of international research in the field of bowel diseases,
  • Cooperation and participation with/in other organisations that are interested in bowel diseases, including professional medical associations and industry,
  • Improving the quality of research, both in principle research and clinical research, in the field of bowel disease and ultrasound,
  • Supporting and promoting the training of healthcare personnel in the field of bowel diseases,
  • Organisation of international and regional scientific exchange and training exchange programmes in the field of bowel disease and ultrasound,
  • Exerting influence on the investigation and management of bowel diseases through use of ultrasound during development, publication and dissemination and teaching of best- evidence, guidelines or other teaching materials in the field of bowel disease and ultrasound.

 3 Membership


Any natural or legal person belonging to one of the following groups may become a member of the Association:

  • Physicians,
  • Expert medical staff,
  • National scientific organisations for bowel diseases,
  • Natural persons and companies with an interest in the Association’s subject matter.

The membership is independent of nationality, language, ethnic origin, religion, ideology or gender.


3.2.1. Individual Members
  • A Regular Member is a physician or scientist with a university degree working in the field of bowel diseases,
  • An Affiliate Member is any healthcare professional or student with an interest in the field of bowel diseases at a post- graduate level,
  • An Honorary Member is a person who has made an exceptional contribution to IBUS that has had a substantive impact on IBUS’ development and the achievement of its mission and objectives. Honorary membership is conferred to express IBUS’ wish to honour this person for his/her contribution. Only individuals can be nominated as Honorary Members.
3.2.2. Institutional Members

An Institutional Member is a medical institution, such as a university hospital, hospital, private hospital, research center, or a company in the pharmaceutical field or medical engineering, or a self-help organ or funding agency within the healthcare system, as long as it complies with the Association’s regulations.

3.2.3. Corporate Members

A Corporate Member is a biomedical, biotechnological, nutritional, or other company with a key interest in bowel diseases or with products or services in the field. IBUS Corporate Membership requires a commitment for a period of at least two years.

3.2.4 Application Procedure

Anybody who wants to become a member of the Association has to submit a written application, the acceptance of which will be decided by the Governing Board.

Candidates for Honorary Membership may be proposed to the Governing Board by a member of the Association. Honorary Membership will be decided by the General Assembly at the general meeting following the proposal.

Members are obliged to pay their membership fee on time. A member’s vote is suspended if the member is in arrears with the membership fee due.

Members are obliged to adhere to the provisions of the Articles of Association and to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.

 4 Fees

The Operational Board determines the annual fee in its membership fee regulations.

 5 Termination of the Membership

A member may withdraw from the Association at any time. The termination has to be made in writing and submitted to an Operational Board member. Any fees already paid will not be refunded upon withdrawal.

It is possible to expel a member from the Association if her or his conduct grossly infringes against the interests of the Association. The General Assembly decides the expulsion, whereby a 2/3 majority of the votes cast is required.

§ 6 Organs of the Association

The Association consists of the following organs:

  • General Assembly,
  • Governing Board,
  • Operational Board,
  • Committees
  • Advisory Committee.

 7 General Assembly

The General Assembly is convened at least once per year. It may also be convened if deemed necessary for the good/ in the interest of the Association. It would then be convened by the Governing Board, whereby 50 % of the Operational Board member is requesting to do so. All members must be summoned to the Assembly with a notice of at least six weeks, stating place, time, and agenda. The summons will be sent by mail to the last known address of the member or by email. The notice period begins the day following the dispatch of the summons by mail. The day of the Assembly is not included in the calculation of the notice period. The agenda may be amended at a later date; any amendment has to be made in text form and which must be received by the members three days before the Assembly at the latest. Any applications for the agenda have to be submitted to the Governing Board with a notice of 14 days prior to the Assembly.

An extraordinary General Assembly may be convened by the Governing Board at any time or due to a written request by 10 % of all members.

Members may be represented by written authorization.

The General Assembly may take place worldwide.

The Assembly may take place via video conference or online conference, provided all members in reasonable distance have access to video equipment/internet. The costs of the conference are borne by the Association. The Governing Board decides on the type of Assembly at its own discretion.

The General Assembly has a quorum without taking the number of votes represented into consideration. It may also take place by resolution of the Assembly that is without a quorum concerning the main issue. The period indicated in the summons may be reduced to one week. The summons has to include reference to the first failed Assembly and inform that the new Assembly has a quorum without taking the number of represented votes into account.

The General Assembly is responsible for the following:

  • the election of the president, treasurer, secretary,
  • the election of the cash auditor,
  • the acceptance and approval of the annual report of the Governing Board,
  • the resolution on amendments to the articles of association,
  • the resolution on dissolving the Association and the use of the Association’s assets associated with it,
  • the expulsion of members,
  • the appointment of Honorary Members.

Minutes of the meeting have to be prepared on the resolutions of the General Assembly and signed by the Chair of the Assembly and the minute-writer. The minutes have to state place and time of the Assembly as well as the respective result of the vote.

Resolutions will be passed with the simple majority of the represented members. Resolutions on amendments to the articles of association require a 2/3 majority.

The term of office is two (2) years for president-elect and president. The term of office is three (3) years for secretary, treasurer, and cash auditor, and one reelection of these 3 positions is possible.

 8 Governing Board

The Governing Board consists within the meaning of § 26 BGB (Civil Code), of the president, treasurer, secretary, and president elect, each individually, represent the Association in and out of court.

The Governing Boards responsibilities are in particular:
a) Safeguarding the interests of the Association and its members,
b) Admitting new members,
c) Presenting the annual and cash report at the General Assembly,
d) Strategic development and innovation,

The Governing Board has a quorum when at least 75% of Governing Board members are present. Resolutions are adopted by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of an equality of votes, the president has the casting vote.

Rights and obligations of the Governing Board:

  • Preparing the agenda of the General Assembly
  • Organizing and promoting the cooperation of own areas of responsibility in separate committees,
  • Informing the Operational Board and the General Assembly on all matters of the association,
  • Assigning the execution of selected tasks/ individual transactions to an external establishment on the basis of a separate Agency agreement granted by the president.

Operational Board

The Operational Board consists of the chair of each committee.
The Operational Board meets in the presence of at least one member of the Governing Board in each case.
The Operational Boards responsibilities are in particular:

  • Safeguarding the interests of the Association and its members,
  • Strategic development and innovation,
  • Control over the operative transactions of the Association and its organs.

The Operational Board has a quorum when at least 50% of Operational Board members are present. Resolutions are adopted by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of an equality of votes, the president has the casting vote.

Rights and obligations of the Operational Board:

  • Meeting at least twice (2) annually,
  • Informing the General Assembly on all matters of the association,
  • Interacting with industry in the field of bowel diseases with regard to cooperation with and recruitment of corporate members
  • Deciding on the approval and allocation of funds,
  • Submitting an annual financial report to the General Assembly.


The nomination of the committee members is for three (3) years, or in the event of being chair four (4) years. Calls for committee membership will be sent out by the IBUS office to all members. Every IBUS member can be selected for a committee. A pre-selection or nomination of new members is made by the committee members within the committee concerned. Confirmation is then made by the Governing Board. The chair of each committee is appointed within each committee. Re-election for a different committee is possible.

Rights and obligations of each committee:

  • Meeting (virtual or presence) at least three (3) times annually,
  • supporting and further developing ongoing committee projects,
  • develop new activities and innovations in the committee´s area and in the interest of IBUS in advancing the use and knowledge of IUS in IBD,
  • Informing the Operational Board and Governing Board on committee activities.

 11 Advisory Committee

§ 11.1 Composition

The Governing Board may appoint members for an Advisory Committee. Persons representing shared fields of interest with the IBUS can be members of the Advisory Committee. Advisory Board members are appointed by Governing Board and do not need to be IBUS members.

§ 11.2 Term

Members of the Advisory Committee occupy their position for three (3) years, reappointment is possible.

§ 11.3 Responsibilities

One task of the Advisory Committee members is to give advice and support to the Operational Board and Governing Board in any matter necessary. In coordination with the Governing Board, the members of the Advisory Committee can take over special tasks.

 12 Financial Year

The financial Year is the calendar year.

§ 13 Dissolution of the Association

The Association may be dissolved by resolution of the General Assembly. An extraordinary General Assembly must be convened to dissolve the Association if at least 50% of the members request this in writing to the Governing Board. The dissolution order requires a ¾ majority of votes cast.

In the event of dissolution or with the omission of the tax-deductible purposes of IBUS, the assets of IBUS will be transferred to the non-profit organization ECCO (European Crohn’s & Colitis Organisation), working in a similar charitable field of activity according to §§ 51 ff. AO [German Tax Code]. A properly qualified lawyer should be appointed as liquidator.

§ 14 Publications

Publications are made in the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Legal Gazette).

These Articles of Association were modified on 14th October 2021.



Prof. Dr. Christian Maaser

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