Central Reading

Online Platform (CROP)

Limit the investigator variability by uploading your intestinal ultrasonography files to our safe CROP and get a professional review from our team of world experts

How does it work?

  1. Export your scan in DICOM
  2. Upload to our secure server
  3. Central Reading will be documented online in eCRF

IBUS Group Central Reading System
is available for clinical trials.

For further information, please
contact the IBUS office.


Enhance the quality of your trial
By applying central reading to your trial, you ensure the highest quality and the lowest interater variability


Team of Certified Central Readers
We constantly improve the quality of our reads by several internal tests to ensure consistant reads among our team of central readers.


Rapid and secure reading all year round
Data is securely stored with backup at our servers and we offer fast reads of your scans, so you can focus on recruitment and study conduction.


Quality support and guidance
We offer different levels of support and guidance for involved centers to ensure all needs are met.

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